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Total found (5)
→ Exotic animals (5)

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Birds, fish, rodents (55)
Accessories (30)
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Other (694)
Animals & plantsExotic animals

Rare color Yorkshire Terrier puppies for sale.

We are looking for kind, caring hands for puppies of a rare colored Yorkie.


Litter trained

2 guinea pigs are looking for good owners

People moved and left 2 wonderful guinea pigs with a cage, food... Who wants to buy two funny little bundles for free and give them warmth and comfort, please write to the phone 718-679-4997 or call after 4 pm

6 months

Girl 6 months old, litter trained and eating dry food

Exotic animals

Selling a land turtle with a house, leash, carrier, food. (347) 734-9790